In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
V/. Grant him/ her eternal rest, Lord.
R/. And let the perpetual light shine upon them.
Lord, we turn our eyes toward you at the hour where this face so dear to us disappears from our sight.
Allow him/ her to see you face to face, and strengthen our faith that we will see him/ her again close to you, forever and ever.
At the prompting of the priest or celebrant, the faithful respond:
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
-After all our eyes that have crossed his/ her own…
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
- After the joy and love that have illuminated his/ her life…
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
- After the pain and tears that have darkened his/ her eyes…
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
-He/ She searched for the truth in the righteousness of his/ her conscience…
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
- He/ she believed in you without seeing you,
R/. Allow him/ her, Lord, to behold your face.
Lord, N. now departs from his/her earthly home, leaving behind him/ her the suffering of those who love him/ her; grant that we may keep his/ her memory, not in the bitterness of our loss or solely in regret of the past, but in the hope of the Kingdom where we shall be assembled.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Following this, an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be may be recited, or another prayer selected by the family.